Bhishjayam - Hemp Seed Oil for External Use

₹ 699.00

  • Brand: Tao of Hemp
  • Product Code: HempSeedOil02
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: Hemp Seed, Hemp Powder, Hemp Oil, Hemp Flour

Hemp oil harvested by cold-pressing hemp seeds is an unrefined clear green oil with underneath benefits:

Anti-Ageing: Linoleic acid and Oleic acids along with anti oxidants and anti microbial, prevents premature aging and protects skin by fighting free radicals caused by UV rays and pollutants or sun damage, removing dullness, hyper-pigmentation, blackheads, melasma blemishes and dark circles and enables skin growth and new cell generation. Boosts collagen synthesis leading to skin suppleness and prevents skin sagging giving a lush, young appearance and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Gorgeous Skin: Right ratio of Omegas 3, 6, and 9 and being non-comedogenic is perfect for most skin types, moisturizes without clogging, balances out oily skin, hydrating it and regulating skin oil production and reduces acne caused by excess oil. Prevents hyper keratinization of hair follicles, which appears as the little red bumps often seen on upper arms. makes the skin seem invigorated and renewed, countering the dullness that comes with age Results in soft, moist, supple and wrinkle-free skin.

Shiny Locks: Omegas 3 & 6 prevent hair breakage by enhancing lubrication; promotes growth by improvement in hair diameter and hair density, detangling knots, reducing dandruff and split ends leading to long, healthy, moisturized, shiny tresses.

Anti Inflammatory: GLA a powerful anti-inflammatory encourages skin growth and new cell generation, calms inflammation and irritation on the skin, including acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and similar skin disorders including redness in the face. Has anti-arthritis properties to ease pain and reduce stress and tension.

Anti Microbial: Linoleic acid, a precursor for ceramides, improves skin barrier and alleviate symptoms of eczema, including dry skin, itchiness, redness, swelling, and pain. Anti-bacterial agent help the body fight infection on the skin's surface and inhibits the entry of various types of bacteria through the skin barrier and reducing chances of infection of bacteria, microbes, virus, fungi etc.

How to use

Skin: Hemp oil is a full skincare routine; it can be applied directly to skin to areas of irritation, acne or dry patches or pain areas for soothing quickly. For general skin upkeep, apply to clean skin, leave for 1-2 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Hair: Hot oil treatment or oil mask method can be used. Apply warm oil to scalp, massage, soak for 15-20 minutes and wash off. Can also be used as conditioner after hair wash.


Cool dry place away from sunlight.

Nutritional Information

Energy Value (Kcal/100g): 899.91

Protein (g/100g): 0.00

Total Carbohydrates (g/100g): 0.00

Sugar (g/100g): BLQ

Fats (g/100g): 99.91

Saturated Fat (g/100g): 5.684

Trans Fat (g/100g): BLQ

Cholesterol (mg/100g): BLQ

Omega – 3 (g/100g): 19.5084

Omega – 6 (g/100g): 54.7596

Omega – 9 (g/100g): 11.6814

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